Sunday, January 3, 2010

Why in creating a Webpage we have to follow 60%of content and 40%creativity or design?

In order to catch the attention of the readers and to make our webpage presentable to the eyes. It is advisable to use 60% of content and 40% creativity in your webpage. The reasons are in order for your visitors to be impressed not only because of it's design and colors but also in the content of it. Therefore; if you follow the 60% of content and 40% creativity, you will surely have a good and presentable webpage.


  1. We use that criteria to impress them and they were not bored to view our webpage.

  2. Yeah! its true we need to follow the criteria in order to have a guide in how to work in our web page or even projects.

  3. That's order to impressed the viewers we need to follow the criteria..

  4. i like your idea...inorder to impress other people we must follow 60% content and 40% creativity and design...

  5. we need to make sure that our web page look attractive to other people....

  6. yes, it's true, it is nice to read if your web page is in the right format and have a interesting content.....
